Week 7

Well, it's Tuesday and this is normally a Monday job. 

Not yesterday, but Monday last week when Brent was on his walk, he found a butcher shop.  He hoped they would have some real bacon, not the see through stuff that we find in the markets.  It was tough to communicate with the two women in the store but he made it to our apartment with his prize. 

One fun thing we noticed one morning was that we could hear a cuckoo bird sound.  At first, I thought one of my neighbors must have a cuckoo clock, but then I realized that we had the door open to our porch and that the cuckoo did not end like it should have if it was a clock.  So we kept listening and realized that we had a cuckoo outside our building.  Here is a photo of one I found on the internet.

Brent did a little study on them and found that they lay their eggs in another birds nest and let them raise their young.  Wierd. They are called parasites because of this.  I thought cuckoo's were just a cool bird someone decided to put in a clock.

We worked visited a Jewish graveyard to see what photos we could get to document Arad graves.  I loved this big headstone with Peter on it.  Sadly, there was no other information. This cemetery had graves dating back to 1700's.

Screenshots of Brents work on Billion Graves. When he started, there were no graves in Arad documented.

One Wednesday the Elders helped us get our Visa application completed and turned in.  We didn't have to pay any more money, but we did have to be fingerprinted and photos taken.  It will be a month until we go back to get our cards.  The photo below shows Visa application office.

We went to KFC one evening for a bit of American food and saw this Roman woman wearing the traditional gypsy dress.  The colors they wear are usually bright like this.  Never mind Brent's belly, I was trying to be inconspicuous. 

The roses around town are blooming profusely.  The arbor that I took a picture of last week is covered this week.

And there were roses growing near many of the roadways when we drove to Timisoara for church on Sunday.  

The crazy thing about our trip to church in Timi was that there were other visitors there too.  A couple who live in Logan and their last name is Dunkley.  They had come with their son who served in Romania and had returned home in February. It was great to be able to talk to them.  

This big house is an example of some of the more fancy homes in Romania.  We have seen some even bigger, but this is a pretty one. Some of the nicest ones are said to be owned by Gypsy Kings. 

Here is a picture of the top of a fancy church we drove by in Timi. It had several of these beautiful spires covered with tile.

We visited two of the member families this week.  Sister Krnacs who lives alone in a town called, Nadlac and Sister Dona who lives in the country just outside Arad.  It is good to visit in their homes and hear their testimonies of the gospel. They both have challenges they are dealing with and are the only members of their families. 
