11 September 2017 - Week 23

Signs that the season is changing in the forest where we walk.  It makes me happy (ferecit).  I love the fall.  One of our branch members says that because the trees have bloomed a second time, we will have a  long fall.  That would be great!

We often see snails on the road in the forest.  Sometimes all we see is a wet, gushy spot with a few identifiable pieces.  They move so slow, if they come onto the road, they are surely going to get squished. The first photo is a big snail.  Brent put his oil vial that's the size of a 45 cal. bullet so you can see how big they are. The next photo is a much smaller one.

And here's an example of what happens when a snail doesn't get across the road before a car runs over it.

We went to the Xray office in preparation for Brent to have a new tooth.  The dentist said the space where his tooth broke off has healed well and was ready to proceed, but he needed a new x-ray to measure the post distance.  We found that the office was still in the Timisoara mall, but they had moved since our last visit. 

Here we are with the Elders and Sisters visiting Sora Piper in her bloc apartment.  She showed us her cute, huge tarantella spider and a pet turtle she keeps in a clear box on her kitchen cabinet.  She talked turtle talk to it.  

This is what $5 will buy you at the flower shop.  We like to pick up a bouquet on Saturday to set on the piano for church on Sunday. 

See you next week! O zi buna!


  1. Star gazer lillies! Always remind me of Jenn's wedding. That's quite the squished snail! Poor little guy. And did you really use the word cute to describe a terantula?? That's a crazy pet! Hope the new tooth adventure is working out.


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