11 December 2017 - Week 36

Apparently, Elder Wilstead wants to be remembered as the outstanding Romanian translator that he is, since he took a selfie while using the translation mic!  ( I am always finding pictures on my phone that are NOT taken by me.  I need to keep it locked up and away from the children!) 

This week is a bit of a hodge-podge of little things we did and saw.  I had to share this photo of a lady who takes riding her bike as seriously as driving a car.  

The McDonalds on main street got a complete make-over inside and out.  It took them 2 weeks which is a record for construction projects here.  We like to go there for a hamburger fix once in a while and they have good fries.

Notice the little Romanian flags on the building.
While we were in the "centru" of town we found some other interesting things.  These flowers were left at the base of a monument that celebrates a freedom loving, Romanian hero, Vasile Goldis.  The university in Arad also bears his name.  On December 1 monuments around the country are decorated with ribbons, greenery,
and flowers. 

This great sculpture of a lion head was just one of many on the front of a building.  

One of our branch members is in the hospital due to kidney problems. It seems to be a big problem in Romania.  Many deaths seem to occur due to the complications of diabetes and subsequent kidney and liver failure.  We were taken back by the condition of the public government-provided health care.  We were reminded of the hospital in Soda Springs in 1950.  And take a look at these telephones.  I just had to get a photo. 

Luckily our branch member has been moved to a hospital that proves more specific care for diabetes.  We pray every day for his recovery.  You could include him in your prayers too. 

One evening we noticed that it was beginning to snow - great big snowflakes.  We looked out at the parkinglot.

We decided to get in the car and take a look around town.  One of the first things we saw was a snow plow.  We had been wondering if they had a use for snow plows here.  These trucks, although equipped with a plow, were busily spreading salt. 

We arrived in downtown Arad.  The traffic was light, the Christmas (Crāciun in Romanian) lights were beautiful in the fresh snow, and it was a good time to take a look around.  Here is part of the front of a building that is covered with lights taken from the rolling car.  It is very bright and beautiful.  

We stopped and walked to the city hall which hosts a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.  

Next to the City Hall is the entrance to the Arad Christmas market which is decorated with many colorful lights.

This is a popular spot for pictures.
We walked to the entrance of the Christmas market shown here. The glow of the lights from the little market house are inviting.  A great place to see and buy a bit of seasonal wares. 

Other than what we have shown here, we visited some of our members, helped the sisters complete their transfer assignments, worked on some Romanian Family History with Sora Mogos, walked at the forest, cleaned the church, studies with our Romanian language tutor and coach. Whew!  Good times.  Here a picture taken at the train station when we picked up the sisters.  They rode an all-night train from Bucharest to arrive in Arad at 11:00 in the morning. 
Elder Gore, Elder Andersen, Sister Kerrison, and Elder Wilstead.  Notice Elder Andersen is in storytelling mode.

Arriving at the Sora's apartment. They are very tired.
Elder Andersen, Sora Folsom, and Sora Kerrison
