18 June 2018 - Week 63

Sadly, our visit from our kids is over today, but we spent the day in Budapest, Hungary seeing the sights of the town before delivering them to their hotel for the night.  They have to get up at 3 am and walk to the airport to catch their flight back to America. 

We arrived in Budapest about lunchtime and ate at BURGER King.  First time in a year for us.  We were very happy to go there. Would you believe that you have to pay to park at this place?  It was crazy.  They said they would reimburse the cost when we ordered our meal, but we are not sure if it happened.  We speak a little Romanian, but zero Hungarian, so who knows.  Luckily, we did find some English speakers around the town.  

We found our way to the Circle of Heros in the middle of town and parked our car.  Our plan was to get "hop on, hop off" bus passes to see the city.  The line we chose had 4 different routes, one of which was on the water.  Fun!
