28 August 2017 - Week 21

This week seemed to be a good week to document the alternative modes of transporting things we see here. Romanians are so skillful in using what they have to get the things they want to where they want them. We took the Elders to a nearby town called Santana to follow-up on a referral. On our way home we saw this wagon pulled by a mare with a colt. The colt must have been tired from the hard work of the day. We saw this wagon out in the forest where we take our walk in the mornings. Bikes are used to haul everything. Here is a good example. I even saw a guy riding a bike loaded similar to this one and he was also carrying a passenger. These are just a sample of what we see. We often don't have time to snap a picture. This person is hauling lumber, but we have seen bikes loaded with all kinds of long awkward cargo. These two guys are pushing baby strollers right down the side of the highwa...